Archive for the ‘Health Benefits’ Category

Advantages of Infrared Sauna: Can It Help With Nerve Pain?
Nerve pain or neuropathic pain affects an estimated 7% of the world’s population. Within that percentage, the condition occurs in about one in every ten adults over 30, and manifests as constant or intermittent pain characterised by shooting, burning, or stabbing sensations. As many look for alternatives, infrared treatment has emerged as a viable, drug-free […]
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Benefits of Infrared Sauna: A Detailed Case Study on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is a condition characterised by prolonged lack of energy, muscle aches, brain fog, sleeplessness, and other issues that severely restrict people’s lives and can make conventional treatments ineffective. As a result, CFS sufferers look towards alternative medicine to alleviate their symptoms – which is where a study from Kagoshima University in […]
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Benefits of Infrared Sauna: Can You Exercise Inside Them?
Infrared (IR) saunas are a great way to reap a lot of health benefits. However, is it safe and effective to combine it with exercises? The answer is yes, but only certain exercises make it viable to maximise any gains. This article will explain what the science says about the benefits of infrared sauna usage […]
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Tailored Benefits of Infrared Saunas for Athletics
When it comes to excelling on the field and reducing recovery times, athletes are always looking for the next big optimisation – as an approach to physical rehabilitation, it’s why infrared saunas have become central to recovery and athletic performance. Infrared light penetrates far deeper into muscle tissue than conventional forms of radiant light, leading […]
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Advantages of Infrared Sauna in Improving Mental Clarity
If you have been feeling forgetful, unfocused, or mentally fatigued as you go about your life, chances are, you may be experiencing a phenomenon called ‘brain fog.’ While we’re all liable to experience varying degrees of brain fog on a more benign basis, long term effects can significantly impact your daily life in its build […]
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Can the Benefits of Infrared Sauna Extend to Erectile Dysfunction?
Erectile dysfunction is a worldwide phenomenon affecting men of all ages and backgrounds, and it may even be more prevalent in our country. According to a 2017 study assessing the prevalence of ED in New Zealand, approximately 1 in 3 men aged 40 to 70 years old have ED – relatively high when compared to […]
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Top 3 IR Sauna Benefits for New Mums
Becoming a new mum is an exciting journey filled with emotions and experiences, many of which can be either rewarding or challenging. Among these challenges are the physical and emotional adjustments that may lead to postpartum blues.  In fact, according to a study, out of 10,000 Australian mums, 95% of them experienced emotional health issues […]
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Advantages of Infrared Sauna Usage in the Summer
Using an infrared sauna in the Summer might seem strange to you – but for many, sauna use is a year-long lifestyle practice. Whether you’re looking for a complementary weight loss strategy to help reach your body goals faster or just want to stay healthy during the hot days ahead, immersing yourself in a sauna may […]
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IR Sauna Benefits: Dealing With Allergies
Ever struggled with allergies at some point in your life? You’re not alone. According to Allergy New Zealand, up to a third of the population in New Zealand will have an allergy at one point.  Tasks like focusing, working, or even just relaxing can be a real chore as watery eyes and non-stop sneezing can […]
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Infrared Sauna Weight Loss and Metabolic Syndrome: Addressing Multiple Factors
In recent times, the occurrence of metabolic syndrome has been increasing, resulting in dangerous health threats for many people around the world. Metabolic disorders comprise the formation of related conditions that include obesity, high blood pressure, insulin resistance, and abnormal lipid levels, and this group of ailments is closely linked to the development of cardiovascular […]
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